World Environment Day 2020
World Environment Day is the most renowned day for environmental action; engaging governments, businesses and citizens to focus their efforts on celebrating nature’s gifts and highlighting its needs.
Today we’re challenging businesses to consider or take action over the effects of your supply chain on the world.
Everything we manufacture comes from our 13-acre site in the UK. For the many British and European businesses we supply, we try to limit the impact product packaging has on the world; both in its carbon footprint and the material it is made from. Paper-based packaging is recyclable, compostable and biodegradable, with a life span of as little as six months.
We do make use of a key gift of nature, though. A vital part of the biosphere, trees provide us with our base material to manufacture products that can biodegrade and re-enter the tree carbon cycle. It is important to us that the use of natural resources is done so without negative impact. We can ensure their protection is in place by only using recycled paper or FSC approved sustainable virgin board suppliers. As noted by the Two Sides initiative, the European forest fibre and paper industry are at the forefront of a climate-friendly bioeconomy in which renewable raw materials replace fossil resources and are “kept in the loop”, improving both the environment and the quality of everyday life.
At Cullen, we use natural resources to create a natural product. Be it recycled corrugate board or recycled surplus newspapers; our packaging is created in a way that minimises the environmental impact of the end product. We do our best to work in alignment with, instead of against, the resources nature provides. We think it’s the best gift that we can give.
Want to know more? Contact our team to discover how working with Cullen can improve the control over your supply chain and your packaging sustainability.